A Full Week Plan for Pranic Healing

Pranic healing is one type of energy medicine in which the prana is improved, regulated and directed by the learner for his or her own healing purpose and benefits.  This ‘prana’ can also be used to heal other people and make them feel dynamic by projecting it into their bodies.  Pranic healing practitioner’s use Prana, Chi, Ki or simple "Energy" - Vital Life Force - to ease the Balancing or "Healing" of one's physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies – without ever touching the physical body of the client. This technology springs from a basic concept that Subtle Energy or Prana, may be used to re-balance, align and normalize the flow of Energy within the human body, or the environment and it may be absorbed to assist in nearly any area of a person's life. In other words, when the Subtle Energy of a specific part is normalized, customary normal function may be easily & rapidly restored.

Pranic healing in Nagpur

Elshaddai pranic healing center in Nagpur offer various pranic healing courses and treatments to heal people. They had designed a special weekly program which includes all pranic healing activities day wise which makes us stress free.

Monday is for book reading session 4 to 6PM. This session includes a lovely reminder of all the wonderful knowledge of Master Choa Kok Sui has shared in his course and books “Achieving oneness with the Higher Soul”.
Read, Meditate and then give your conclusion.

Tuesday is for Outside Introduction on Pranic Healing. Pranic healing is a healing modality established by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui that works with Prana or life force to recover a wide range of physical and psychological illness. It is a Science behind energy healing that has been into practice from ancient times in India and other parts of world.

Wednesday is for wellness group/THM 2 to 4 PM. You will experience feelings of peace and calm, you may feel happy and cared for. Some people feel a slight warmth, like a nice blanket, or some tingling and some people feel nothing at all.
Twin Heart Meditation - It is one of the best methods of meditation you can ever perform. It primarily focuses on emotional healing that separates the soul from emotional traumas. It finally removes negativity and brings forth a remarkable positive change in one’s life.

Thursday is for free healing camp 12 to 5PM. For this camp you have to take appointments.
This camp helps to make you stress free, pain free. By joining this camp you can bring peace, prosperity and happiness in your life.

Friday is again for Outside Introduction on Pranic Healing.

Intensive Practice Wellness - Few days of more intensive practice in a group setting will give you a tremendous boost. Weekly group meditations will give you deeper experiences and inspire you.
Timings – 7 to 10am and 5.30 to 7.30pm

Intensive practice and THM for new comers 7am to 9am.
Guidance from an experienced pranic healer trained in a longstanding tradition yields better results.

pranic healer in nagpur

Mr. Shrikant Kanhere is one of the best pranic healer in Nagpur having 6+ years of experience. He is pranic healing trainer at Elshaddai pranic healing center, he teaches all pranic healing courses in Nagpur. Elshaddai pranic healing center is well known center for pranic healing in Nagpur. Many physical and psychological problems get solve there.

If you are residents of Nagpur then you should join Elshaddai pranic healing center for your wellness.


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