Best Arhatic Yoga Center in Nagpur

Elshaddai Pranic Healing center in Nagpur is known for pranic healing services, they offers pranic healing courses and pranic healing treatments in Nagpur. Pranic healing is best technique to solve your Physical and Psychological Ailments. ARHATIC YOGA is one of the best method to improve mentally, emotionally and physically. ARHATIC YOGA name came from pali term Arhat means ‘who is worthy’. ARHATIC YOGA is also called as 'The Synthesis of Yogas' or in the higher levels. This yoga helps to develop the level of an Arhat.  Yoga means yug which means unite. Yoga concludes in bonding us with the divine one. There are many types of yoga out of which one is bhakti yoga which mainly complete this union though love and devotion. Jnana yoga achieve its union through its knowledge. Karma yoga complete its process through service.  While Raja yoga aims to achieve union through meditation. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui has effectively combined all this methods of yoga with Kundalini yoga to form one of the fastest and most powerful procedure for the spiritual development and change. ARHATIC YOGA is comes under the Pranic healing.

pranic healing in nagpur

Arhatic Yoga

For learning  Arhatic Yoga course eligibility criteria is basic pranic healing, advanced pranic healing, pranic psychotherapy, achieving oneness with the higher soul. At the stating level, the practitioner is trained four meditation technique, with the meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination, this form the base for all future practices. Meditation always helps to accelerate spiritual growth, improve mental abilities, reduce stress and develop interpersonal skills and increasing healing power.  The fundamental to the practice of Arhatic Yoga is balance. Meditation combines various paths of yoga, the practitioner feels that he or she develops not only spiritually, but also mentally, physically and emotionally. A well trained person then uses these improved abilities to help the world by doing service, which practice the karma yoga part of Arhatic Yoga.
In this Arhatic Yoga you will first take on the purification of physical body, etheric body, astral body and mental body. Then chakras means layer of body are considerably started in a secrete order to safely and efficiently arouse and then circulate the Kundalini energy throughout the body. This method is practiced by advances and evolved yogis. It is the base for constructing much desired “Golden body”.

Advantages of Arhatic Yoga:-

1. You will learn how to grow spiritually. Learn the significance of God and Guru in          our life.  
2. You will realize importance of giving time and money to help others.
3. Rise your personality, healing powers and other potentials as your chakras and aura 4. rise in size and power.
5. Learn to remove negative emotions and allow soul to control mental bodies
6. Learn progressive purification methods to overcome inner faintness and achieve a        higher degree of self-mastery.

Elshaddai offers best Pranic Healing in Nagpur and helps people to solve their ailments. Pranic healing is a technique which you can easily learn and utilize it solve people’s physical and physiological problems. 


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