How does Pranic healing work?

‘Lifeforce’ energy which is also the inner power of the soul is abundant in the Universe. Every person has access to this unlimited energy. There is no reason to stay deprived or stressed in life and accept the bad happenings as fate because it is not true! We all have the power to harness this unlimited life force energy and make our lives content, healthy and blissful. All we need to know is the proper technique to tap on this vital energy to use it as and when needed to sculpt our lives the way we want it. We can then attain the best of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and escalate to the greatest spiritual height. What is Prana? ‘Prana’ is a Sanskrit word and refers to the abundant life force energy or vital energy. It is also referred to as ‘chi’ in China and ‘ki’ in Japan. This vital energy is responsible for our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. This unseen energy is responsible for the consciousness and the awareness which any living person can experien...