Elshaddai Pranic Healing Center for No-Touch and No-Drug Energy Based Healing

Mr.Shrikant Kanhere is one of trainer based at Nagpur Centre at ELSADDAI who have 6 years of experience and knowledge and Associate Certified Pranic Healer, trainer and organizer. Science has confirmed the human body is capable of extraordinary feats, including impulsive healing. Pranic, Reiki and other energy healing modalities provide a source for healing. Today, in its modern form, even the young can hold its basic concepts and can do well in it. Pranic healing in Nagpur is increasing now, most of the doctors and people want to learn pranic healing to solve several alignments. Energy healing is based on the intent of provider and trust of the receiver. Both should be open to directing energy. Cells of the body respond to the confidence of the one who is receiving energy. Many Pranic Healing Trainers connected with us to conduct various courses and their training. These simple and easy bright techniques of healing have huge power to transfer well-being ...